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How Can A Redesign Improve SEO Rankings Of Your Website Easily?

That is why a change in the website design might be problematic as it can affect the SEO and the rankings. A site overhaul is an activity at the end of which a website is redesigned and possibly made better for user experience and search visibility.

But everything is redesigned carefully with updates to design, content, and technical aspects. This helps a business connect with more qualified visitors than from places like Google search engines among others. 

Below, you will find out important features of an SEO-based redesign. So, continue reading before you look for Long Island web design & SEO company.

Mobile-First Design Better Mobile Experience 

First, they have to decide to make redesign with the mobile-first approach in mind. Today there is more than 50% of traffic coming from mobile devices. 

For instance, if a site is not easy to navigate or read on phones, Google will notice this and lowers the mobile user experience rating. A mobile design is absolutely necessary and proper links and text resizing menu should be implemented. 

Also load the pages very fast as it is another factor used in ranking mobile sites. In the end, focusing on small screens enhances convenience and yields natural search traffic Ms.

Improve Site Structure And Internal Connectivity

Also, a redesign provides the ability to enhance navigation menus and address problems with internal site structures. This enables both users and search bots to find the directories and subsequently the web pages easy. 

Use text-based main and sub menus, never go beyond two or three levels of menu, make links of the current page easily distinguishable, and put forward a search box option.

Frequent internal linking creates a winning path for the visitor, as well as serves a search engine as a signal of association with the topical issue.

Page Designs And Its Contents 

Third, minimize page designs and strip down content during a redesign cycle. Audience in web visits are usually impatient so try use short paragraphs, bullet points and headings for quick grasping. 

Divide texts with corresponding images, videos, and graphics, as images, appealing to the audience’s shared networks and signaling that the page is worth sharing, get more likes and reposts. 

Search algorithms greatly consider topicality and quality content in ranking, so a change gives an opportunity to bet pages with high-value keywords on relevant themes.

Technical Optimization And Site Speed 

A site redesign by local SEO service Long Island also provides the opportunity to make technical and back-end improvements to make it run faster. This means that quicker page loading times are a major ranking factor therefore tips should include image optimization, CSS/JavaScript files optimization, browser caching and server upgrade. 

But perhaps equally important is switching to a secure HTTPS domain and carrying out a large array of modernizations such as updating the entire codebase to utilizing only HTML5 and removing older frameworks. 

Make certain the new site structure allows for XML sitemaps and well-formatted structured data markup for better indexation and snippets. 

Track Progress With Analytics 

Last, use the method of Web analytics to measure the effect of an SEO-orientated website redesign in the long term. Find out monthly progress through traffic comparison in terms of numbers, rankings and engagement rates. 

Track click through rates from organic listing positions to determine if relevance has improved for important search terms. For content with diverse linking characteristics, use tracking URLs to link content updates of specific pages to gains in conversion. 

Check whether pages with newly updated keyword themes or internal links rank better than other pages. It may appear sluggish to rise, perform incremental optimizations toward page speed or content. 


Lastly, website redesign is an opportunity to implement a large number of measures to increase its influence in the SEO field if it is done thoughtfully. 

Thus, the guys who work on the site’s update will pay much attention to such user experience elements as mobile-friendliness, navigation, speed and quality of the content published on the site. 

Performance tracking analytics are important in that they afford indicators to guide the ongoing improvement in optimization methodologies overtime. Extra site traffic makes it possible for the website to achieve business objectives more effectively with the help of its redesign.


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