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What Are The Top Web Design Features To Improve Site Engagement?

It’s much important for a website to capture the audience and make them loyal and eventually converted. Some of the elements of web design have been found to increase engagement levels to great extents. 

In this article, the writer shall outline some things that can be done in the design of a website to keep visitors engaged with the content. Optimizing such components results in lower bounce rates along with more page views, time spent at site and social shares.

So, continue reading before you look for web design company Long Island.

Simplify Navigation 

First of all, general organization of a website’s navigation should be clear and simple. If the options are made on the menu structure and site layout are vague or intricate, the audiences will be annoyed.

Consequently, they drop out early.” Whereas, on the other hand, complex, obscure and unfriendly navigation enables users to access specific pages within a short time span. 

For example, use separate primary and secondary navigation bars, involve search boxes, use breadcrumbs to show the hierarchy of pages, and use related articles within the content body text link. 

Also, the use of hamburger menus in the responsive designs enhances the way mobile users navigate through a site. Reducing the manner in which users navigate enhances engagement significantly as memorized already since accessed materials they prefer all without struggle.  

Include High-Quality Images And Graphics

Additionally, persuasive pictures and graphics elicit attraction in addition to conveying ideas in the form of pictures. Three reasons state that human beings are hardwired to pay attention to and memorize visual information better than the narration. 

That is, when little pictures, animation or other graphics, charts, diagrams, illustrations, etc. in turn convey relevant high-quality data, web page visitors spend more time to read the information. 

Other examples of imagery include the use of parallax scrolling techniques. Furthermore, such graphical items prevent a group of fonts from running for a long-time making copy less bulky. 

Just make sure that graphics are optimized for load times and that they display properly regardless of what size device it is being viewed on. Sharing of ‘talking head’ video and image-based content in compelling formats writes compel the visitor to read more headline grabs the visitor invites them in.

Headline Writing Tips 

Also, using intrusions headlines compel the visitors to read further than just scanning the page indifferently. Do not use generic or genericized headers such as ‘Blog’ or ‘New & Latest.’ 

However, use headlines that focus on the benefit the reader is going to get, coupled with feeling and question appeals. Headlines grab attention of people due to curiosity that is set in them, then they click to get the curiosity quenched. Also, divide long paragraphs into shorter sections, with irresistible headlines below each. 

It is easy for the visitor to determine if the content of the Long Island web design company created websites meet his or her needs in this format. If so, they consume more material, so… Therefore, complex headlines and subheadings create more meaningful page enactments.  

User-Generated Content (UGC) Features

And, of course, UGC features that enable users to participate rather than simply observe – such is another essential aspect. For example, include rating scales of the products, articles or tools that can be found on site. 

Furthermore, post-consumer reviews that speak of the real-life experience. The comments sections also enable the discussions regarding the material. Third-party UGC must also be incorporated by including the Tweets, YouTube videos, and Instagram posts as well. 

Polls and surveys also provide first-hand data while making involved participants feel valued as well Enabling high quality UGC has the effect of increasing desirable engagements and word of mouth for the brand.  


Improving traffic activity can be changed through maximizing certain structural aspects on the Web site including navigation, overall imagery, headlines, and UGC components. 

These features facilitate navigation to the contents of interest, attract the attention, create a preview of the content and offer participation chances. 

The problems of complexity addressed by the techniques mentioned not only allow brands to engage visitors but do so using well-established psychologies of curiosity and social proof. Deciding web design to emphasize understanding, interest and contribution makes audiences more receptive as a whole.


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